Superior Deal Making Ability

Universal Group and its Partnered firms has trail blazed the strategic use of Property Options as well as other ingenious methods Globally and in Australia coming up to 50 years now, and has transacted countless deals with them, delivering generous rewards for all parties involved. The key to success with property options, is to minimise risk for the buyer with stringent due diligence processes, while maximising the window of time a developer has, to acquire an appropriate development approval for the site.

A polished, proven process for success

Property Options underpin the tried, tested and proven strategic acquisition model which has formed the cornerstone of the Universal Group’s success for the half a century. Property Options intelligently reverse engineer the evelopment Approval process and seek to fulfil the Council’s needs as a top priority, expediting the development approval process.

With Property Options, the development approval is sought prior to transacting a sale, adding significant value to the land owner’s asset in the process. View Underneath to understand our systematic due diligence process outlined, which, by protocol, is applied to all new, potential developments.

For more information on our due diligence process, becoming a Universal Group partner,
working with us or to have your specific query answered, please, “contact us”,
or call +61 2 8011 3336 / +61 2 8007 5550 / +61 410 11 11 22 .
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