We Can Get You (DA) Development Approved Sites.

Intrinsic Success Factors

Exceptional support – focused experience

Extracting maximum value from a development site relies on the successful acquisition of a suitable development approval (DA). Securing a development approval is not always a straightforward process and without explicit knowledge of how to best negotiate and liaise with Councils, the process can be disappointing to say the least.

Having Universal Group’s elite internal team manage the entire DA process on your behalf is truly invaluable. We understand the process from the inside out and negotiate to fulfil everyone’s needs. To date, Universal Group has secured a development approval for every single project it has submitted for approval.

In addition to critical negotiation skills, Universal Group has attracted a world-class external network of advisors, giving you direct access to Australian / Global leaders in construction. These experts are engaged on all Universal Group’s projects, including pre-eminent Town Planners, Architects, Builders, Engineers, Designers and Risk Assessors. Each supplier synergistically enhances overall value and contributes the requisite skills and support to make each development a resounding success.

We Can…….

Get You (DA) Development Approved Sites,
Project manage (DA) Development Approved Sites on your behalf,
Project manage a development for you.

For more information on our due diligence process, becoming a Universal Group partner,
working with us or to have your specific query answered, please, “contact us”,
or call +61 2 8011 3336 / +61 2 8007 5550 / +61 410 11 11 22 .
We can also be reached via info@universalgroups.com
