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We are searching for the investor for joint patenting and implementation

of the technology into the world practice.


We are searching for the investor

to implement the technology.


We are looking for the cooperation partners for implementation of this research work.


We are searching for the investor
to implement the technology.

We considered the abnormal cell to be a new formation, which is seen when there is the shortage of “building material”. This abnormal cell which is an aggressor by itself , thanks to the quick division is less protected from the influence out that an ordinary cell. The research was conducted with the help of laboratory equipment containing the oxygen balloon, ozonizer and condenser.
The ozone synthesis was made with the help of oxygen. The concentration of ozone was about 2 % (volume).
The physical solution was with fixed pH as a working one. The condenser had 2-4 samples of human cancer cell. The size of samples were 1´2´0.5 cm, the weight was about 0.5 gram.
The time of sample removing from a human body and getting into the bubblier didn’t exceed one hour.
The cancer cell were sampled from the following human organs:

  • practical all parts (90% samples) of gastric tract;
  • woman uterus (10 % samples);
  • kidney (a few experiments).

The majority of samples (about 90 %) was not exposed to radiation and chemical therapy. About 50 % of cases contained condensed blood.
Before ozone-process and after a while, probing cytological analysis was made. The personnel of Cherkassy cancer hospital carried out these analyses. The process time varied from 20 min and more. In some cases it was about 2 hours.
The main aim of operating is the creation of high level and in some cases, regulated concentration of oxidation particles as well (OP). So, some methods of decomposition of ozone concentration in liquid phase.
The results of in vitro investigations are presented into a table.
It is important to say, that the investigated processes are similar to radial therapies, so OP in this process in acting zone are also produced. But in acting process ozone-radical chemical therapies burns and necros normal cells are not observed, and the influence of high frequencies electromagnetic wave is absent.
The oncology-specialist’s are called this process “soft-radio therapies”.






No data The cancer cells preserve nucleus membranes. Chromatin has intinsive colour. The cells are in the state of lisis. The adenomofosic parts have middle level of hypersecretation. There are many destroyed cells, nucleus (lisis, rexis)


The cells have not oxifilia, cells have achromatic view. The structure of nucleus is homogeneous. The flat epitalic has only few destructions the nucleus has explosion view, the cytoplasm is transparent, the cells has coating, picnos, cancer cells poses oxifilic. No cancer cells are in the state of necrobiose. There are basophile in solution. The structure of cytoplasm cancer cells is destructed. The nucleus structure is in the state of a array few lisis.
The nuclei membranes have not homogeneous structure. The cells are in state of necrobios, piknos.


The nucleus structure is homogeneous, has many destructions. The structure of nucleus in surface is not even. The cells are in the state of carnolisis. The cancer cells are in the state of low biological activity, in picnos, lisis. The edges of cytoplasm are transparent. There are strings of destroyed cancer cells. The cytoplasm of cancer cells is in the state of vacuolization. The nuclei are in the state of transparent for light. The cancer cells are in state of piknos. There are macrophages and lipophagies present. The cells and nuclei are in state of necrobios, a very few cancer cells are in the state of necrobios in tissues.






The cancer cells has nuclei membrane, but chromatin is in the state of very high level lisis. There are very few adenomastosic cells, which has a middle level hiper-segregation. There are many destruction cells (lisis, reksus). The cells are in state of real necroses. No data


The cytoplasm of cancer cells is in the state of destruction. The nuclei is in state a few lisis. The nucleus membrane has clear homogeneous structure (piknos, negrobios). No data


The cancer cells are in the state of process of vacuolization and transparent nucleus, lisis. The small nuclei in amount of no more than 10% at all amount of cells. There are piknos cancer cells. Macrophages, lipopha-gies present. A few cancer cells in array are normal cells. The cancer cells and cytoplasm are in the state of (60-80%) citolis and lisis. There is the destruction of cancer cells and nucleus. There is much slime of destrogen nucleus. The nucleus poliochracia is small. The cancer cells have atypical small nucleus. The nucleus have not membranes. The nucleus destruction is above 80%.
30 Cancer cells piknos The destruction (cells piknos), of cancer particles is above 80 % of cancer cells which are in deep state of necroses (80%). There is the hiperplasia of cancer cells
40 No data Cancer cells are not detected

We are searching for the investor for joint patenting and implementation
of the technology into the world practice.


The aim of the research work (developments):

  • to create the off line motor-car system of decreasing of the toxic compound concentration in the process of oil fuel’s burning.

Object of research work:

  • to investigate the influence of the small amount of ozone on the process of decreasing of the toxic species concentration in exhaust gases.

The obtained results:

  1. The influence of small amount of ozone on the radical oxidizing process is investigated. The experimental data show that the increase of radical’s concentrations of НО, НО2, RO, RO2 in the burning area positively full burning degree of the oil-fuel influences.
  2. The presence of ozone, in fuel decrease the concentration of NO for 10-20 %. This fact can be explained by the flow line of the competing reaction (1). The decrease of the creation process of NO during the addition of ozone into fuel can be explained by the increase of НОand of НО2radical concentration in the burning area was increased and their reactions with the radical О, which is the main initiator of the NO creation.
  3. During the experiments the constant tendency to the decrease the CO concentration in the exhaust gases of an engine was observed. The addition of ozone in to a carburettor decreased the concentration of CO for 60-80%; if the engine was worked on the ozone petrol A-76 the coconcentration decreased to zero. This fact can be explained by the increasing of НО× and of НО2concentration (Y. Zeldovich’s and N. Semenov’s mechanism), and also by the influence of ROand RO2, which are synthesized in the volume burning-air mixture on the burning process under microdozage of ozone into fuel. The big influence of the radical injection during a very small addition in burning zone may be explained by the process of syntheses of alkilperoxic and alkoxic radicals and the following process is not activized :

RО+СО ® СО2 + R×, (1)
R× + О2 ® RО2,× (2)
2+ СО ® СО2 + RО . (3)

  1. Simultaneously with the decreasing of the CO concentration the decrease of soot creation in exhaust gases was observed. When the concentration of CO was above 0,5% (volume) the amount of soot in exhaust gases was constant during the work on the ozon-fuel.

It can be explained by the remove process of creation of hydrocarbons cracking of fuel (creation of the atoms of hydrogen) because pf the high speed of the following reaction:

® 2НО (4)
Н+ НО2® ®Н2О +О (5)
®Н2 + О2 (6)

So we may say, that instead of the process of creation for the reaction (4-6) there is an additional volume, which has very high oxidize quality, it allows oxidation hydrocarbon processes to go.

  1. The decreasing of about 38-70% was observed in the quantity of soot and benz(a)perene contained in exhaust gases.
  2. The reason for the increase of octane number of gas is the synthes in the volume of fuel while ozoning alcohols which influence the process of such oxidizing agent as aldehydes and other detonation fuel burning.

Evidently, the formed radicals of НОand НО2(ROand RO2) act the way the peroxide of lead (ROOH + PbO2® ROH+PbО+O2) does. They make the process of hydrocarbons burning more effective and complete destroying peroxides before the flame initiation. And in this case macro-influence by micro-addition of ozone may be explained by the following chain reaction:
R`OOH+HO2×®R`OH + HО×2, (7)
R`OOH + HО× ®R`ОН+HO2×, (8)
R`OOH + RO2×®R`OH +RO× +O2. (9)

  1. Changes in the technical data of the engine functioning on the ozoned fuel are of specific interest :
  • engine is easy started in cold winter;
  • the dose of ozone is perfect, no detonation happens even if the fuel is of low octane number;
  • steady work of the engine is observed during the early or late burning initiation;
  • an increase in the engine power (up to 5%) is obtained while fuel consumption is the same;
  • while converting to ozoned fuel steady economy (up to11%) is observed, power and rotation is the same.
  1. The on-board system of the internal-combustion engine power supplyed with the ozoned fuel was invented. The system is represented on the fig. 1.

The technology of 10-15% economy in the process of burning of gas fuel – methane – for the steam generators of power stations has been developed.

We are searching for the investor
to implement the technology.

It is developed the new self-cleaning & constant self-regenerating continuous ion exchange filter. The work of filter consists of the process of the sorption and the process of sorbent regeneration. It is important there is not the process mixture the regeneration solution and outlet produced cleaned liquid. Incoming liquid is filtered upstream through the sorbent bed while the sorbent is moving downwards.

Principle of filtration process

The incoming process liquid goes through the inlet pipe and distributors inside filter. The water rises through the downwardly moving ion sorbent bed and filtered water is discharge from the filter via an overflow weir at the to of the filter unit. The regenerating solution is distributed in special collector located in the down part of filter. The process of regeneration is going in this part of filter. The fouled ion sorbent (for example ion resin) is lifted by an air-lifter pump to collection vessel in the upper part of the filter. The ion resin particles then falls down in to the special washer, where it is rinsed in countercurrent flow with a small amount of filtrate. The cleaned ion resin falls back to surface of the filter bed and takes part to filtration process again. The used wash solution with the suspended solids and desorption ions discharged through the outlet.


The main economical advantages of this filtration technology are the decrease consumption of regeneration solutions, removing the parasite canal-effect (during ordinary filtration process is created this parasite canals in filtration bed). This filter may to work with process liquid, which has big concentration of suspended substances. The work period of using ion resin is longer that for ordinary filter process. The ion resin may be in the use practical without end. It is needed only to make the addition of missing quantity of resin. There is created new possibility in the technologies of waste waters treatment. It may be doing to increase the concentration valuable components (Au, Pt, Ag, U and other) from sea water and other such solutions.

The position of implementation invention

Made the theoretical calculation and laboratory experiments. It is created the pilot models.
We are looking for the cooperation partners for implementation of this research work.


The newly developed samopromyvnoy constantly regenerating ion exchange filter with a moving layer «Machine-ION-1» – ensures the continuous sorption ions, while the process of regeneration of the sorbent, with the exception of mixing liquid treated with regenerative solution.
The principle of the filter. The filter operates on the principle of backflow. Initial fluid technology comes at the entrance nipple (13), and then working through the distribution manifold (6) goes to the upper layer of working sorbent (4), where the sorption of ions and refined liquid through the drain pipe (16) merges appointment. Regenerating solution fed to the input patrubku (12), then through reactive collector comes to the bottom layer of sorbent (18), where the process of desorption ion. According to a pipeline (21) is fed compressed air, thus initiated the process erlifta, a mixture of air, the solution to the ions moving to central coaxial tube (8) top to drain a glass (14), where on the grid (15), there is separation of grains and sorbent solution . The solution is removed by drainage tube (9), (10) for the purpose, and regenerated sorbent empty over the edge draining a glass and moves down and through a special labyrinthine channel (3) into the upper layer of working sorbent (4). The level of fluid drainage in a teacup (14) through the drainage pipe (11) supported lower than the level of liquid in the tank (1), as a result of refined technology fluid moving labyrinth channel (3) toward the incident sorbent. As a result, sorbent finally laundered from the remnants of regenerative solution and desorbiruemyh ions, as well as from mechanical impurities. Sorbent constantly coming into the upper part of the working layer of sorbent (4), ie He is constantly moving towards the movement of fluid technology, thus going on the best process of ion sorption. Diffusion «spraining» sorption peaks of various ions, which usually takes place in conventional fixed layers of sorbent, in this case does not exist. To address the falling regenerative solution of the lower layer of sorbent (18) working in the upper layer of sorbent (4), sorbent passes through the ring gap (17), which forms the shell (1) and Gateway (5). Speed sorbent in the ring gap (17) is increased, thus, can ensure the elimination of diffusion regenerative solution of the lower layer of sorbent (18) working in the upper layer of sorbent (4), thereby eliminating pollution clean technology liquid filed reagents.
When sorbent (ion exchange resin, zeolite, activated charcoal) for the usual sand, the device can be operated with a mechanical filtering, with the possibility of dispensing different reagents (to remove kalmatatsionnyh events, or causing a catalyst for the grains of sand), while excluding mixing lodged with the reagent clean technology liquid.
Applications. This filter is applicable for many purposes. Key: water (removal of excess iron and manganese), sewerage, water purification Capital of different technologies (clearance of electroplating waste water treatment), with the possibility of extracting and concentrating valuable components.

We are searching for the investor
to implement the technology.
